Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Snap Shots of Cam-Week 1

Bath Time

Gotta love the smell of a freshly bathed baby!

Hospital Departure

Special Visitors

My dear friend JRo and her son Logan came to see us at the hospital. It was so good to see them and to watch Logan's face light up while holding Camden was priceless. Logan is a great "big brother" to Brody and there is no doubt that he'll continue to be that for Camden as well!

Brody and Camden Meet

Jason and Nana brought Brody to the hospital on day 2 to meet his new baby brother. He was really indifferent, of course for all he knew this was just a baby they were visiting, little did he know that baby would turn his world upside down! We had a special gift for Brody from Cam upon arrival and he was far more interested in all the animals than the baby.

Welcome Camden Edwin Ward

Camden Edwin Ward
Born September 30, 2010
8lbs 7 oz, 21"

40 Weeks 2 Days

Clearly Baby Camden was sending a message to us that he'd be arriving on HIS time and not his mama's schedule! Brody came 5 days early so I anticipated that baby #2 would also do the same...not so much. On Thursday Sept 30, I was induced (original due date was Sept 28). I had severe anxiety about the induction worrying myself silly about being in labor all day long and then ending up in a C-section (late ultrasound showed baby was tracking 2 weeks ahead of schedule so in my head i was thinking he'd be some 10lbs!!). Thankfully it couldn't have turned out any better, a great labor and delivery. We arrived at the hospital at 8:30am, the OB broke my water and they started pitocin to get my contractions going...3 hours later with 2 pushes Camden Edwin Ward arrived into the world at 11:25am!

We attempted a family picture before we left for the hospital but as you
can see Brody was not interested!
The beauty of being induced was that I could actually get ready before i had the baby. :)
My big old baby belly...not the most glamorous shot but that's ok!

Nana's Back!

Yahoo, Nana has arrived! We were thrilled that she could come and stay an entire month with us! We brought her up early in anticipation of Baby Boy Ward arriving early which gave her some quality time with Brody...they have cuddled on the couch, played cars, made music, sang... you name it...Nana is the ultimate entertainer!

Cuddle time on the couch after a long day!Brody is really into music so they made noise and danced!
Helping Nana with her knitting.