Last week daycare notified me that Brody had rolled from his tummy to his back! We knew it wouldn't be long as often times when he's playing on the floor he gets his body turned to the side like he wants to roll over but just can't figure it out. Then when we were seeing Dr Skallurud on Friday for his 4 month appt he rolled over again! So given he's now able to roll over from time to time we thought it would be ok to let him sleep on his tummy as when he was a newborn he loved sleeping that way. So Friday night we put him in his crib on his tummy and would you believe, he rolled over to his back and then threw a fit about being on his back but didn't want to sleep on his tummy either (sometimes you just can't win!!). So we swaddle him with one arm out (as we always do) and he went to sleep on his back. I guess he's just used to sleeping on his back now and until he can roll from back to tummy we'll continue having him sleep on his back!

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